Solo Mom Travels

About Me

About Me.   I have lived 45 years and I have had many adventures that have made me the person I am today.  My biggest adventure is having my children.  Tristan is 12, and Caitlin is 10.  This has been life changing and I mark my adventures in relation to their birth and age.   Prior to Tristan, I travelled most of South America, with my then  husband.  I loved getting off the resort and being immersed in the culture.  I learned Spanish and was passionate about understanding their way of life.  That was before kids.  

Then after the kids, I was on my own as a Solo Mom.  Taking the summers off, I travelled to Europe every year with my Mom.  This is when I caught the "bug".  The trips changed me.  They showed me beauty and culture like I had never seen before.  The last couple of years have given me obstacles with my health so I have not been able to get out and about as much as I want.  Now in recovey mode, I am looking forward to planning adventures to see the world as I have always wanted.